OPPOSE: SB 1046 – by Sen. Birdwell and Seliger and HB 2692 by Rep. Landgraf
Waste Control Specialists (WCS) has applied to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a license to store high-level radioactive waste above ground at its existing "low-level" radioactive waste site in Andrews County. 40,000 tons of deadly high-level waste could be trucked, railroaded and shipped into Texas to be stored in Texas for decades (more likely indefinitely). The application is now under the name Interim Storage Partners (ISP), which includes WCS and their partner, Orano. This license is illegal under federal law but is being processed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission anyway. This bill fails to halt the storage or disposal of this dangerous waste, while creating additional economic and safety risks at the currently-operating nuclear waste site.
Oppose SB 1046 and HB 2692– Don’t Be Fooled by this Bill
Due to loopholes the bill fails to prohibit the Consolidated "Interim" Storage (CIS) of high-level radioactive waste, the most radioactive part of the nuclear power and weapons fuel chain. And WCS/ISP testified in the TX Senate hearing that they will NOT withdraw their license application. We can expect the company to continue pursuing their dangerous plans to import deadly, long-lasting nuclear reactor waste.
Key failures of the bill:
Surcharge Reductions... Corporate Giveaway Would Cost Texas many millions of dollars:
It relaxes safety and ethics requirements:
For more information please contact:
Karen Hadden, SEED Coalition, 512-797-8481 or karendhadden@gmail.com
Lon Burnam, Public Citizen’s Texas Office, 817-721-5846 or lon.burnam@gmail.com
In the News: Earthquakes are one of many reasons why West Texas is NOT a good place for radioactive waste.
Multiple Earthquakes Felt Across Texas - April 15, 2021
4.3 Magnitude earthquake outside Amarillo Wednesday night
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Downwinders from Trinity #nuclear test haven't been properly recognized & compensated for their suffering, Time to change that. Tell @RepJerryNadler to hold a hearing on H.R.3783, the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2019. Take action: https://www.nirs.org/downwinders-action-2020/
Downwinders from Trinity nuclear test haven't been properly recognized & compensated for their suffering, It's time to change that. Tell Rep. Jerrold Nadler to hold a hearing on H.R.3783, the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2019. Take action: https://www.nirs.org/downwinders-action-2020/
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