The nuclear ADVANCE Act, a 93-page bill to promote expensive, dangerous, dirty, environmentally unjust nuclear power that could accelerate nuclear exports and weapons proliferation and allow foreign ownership/control of U.S. nuclear facilities, is hitching a ride as Division B on the short Fire Grants and Safety Act S. 870 Division A. It even shifts the mission of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to boosting more than regulating.
S. 870 Division B, ADVANCE ACT promotes:
-> new nuclear power, which from mining to long-term waste management violates environmental justice and relies on carbon for every step, is radioactively and chemically dirty, dangerous, expensive, slow, takes resources from true climate solutions and leaves intense, long-lasting radioactive waste that technically cannot be isolated for the eons it remains dangerous.
(See IEEFA report May 2024 Small modular reactors are still too expensive, too slow, and too risky | IEEFA)
-> allegedly “advanced” nuclear fuel, which can be so highly concentrated in Uranium-235 that it makes hotter, more-dangerous waste and routine releases, threatens the safety of reactor operations and is enriched nearly enough to make atom bombs.
(See The weapons potential of high-assay low-enriched uranium | Science, SCIENCE 6 June 2024 Vol 384, Issue 6700 pp. 1071-1073 DOI: 10.1126/science.ado8693)
-> export of this more dangerous nuclear material and technology to other countries, accelerating nuclear proliferation, already a major concern.
(See Squassoni, S., George Washington University, April 2024, New Nuclear Energy; Assessing the National Security Risks; NewNuclearRisk_Report_2024_v4-1-0b59385f1c7d4153.pdf (bpb-us-e1.wpmu cdn.com).
-> foreign ownership of US nuclear facilities, heretofore prohibited by the Atomic Energy Act, partly due to making plutonium that can be used for atom bombs.
-> directs the NRC to change its mission from regulating to promoting–despite the Department of Energy designation as booster in the 1974 Energy Reorganization Act. The 2011 Fukushima triple nuclear meltdowns were blamed on collusion between the nuclear industry and the regulator–Let’s not repeat that here.
Compensation for and acknowledgement of radiation injuries have been denied by the House failure to renew and expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (S. 3853). The ADVANCE Act kick-starts more radioactive releases and exposures using tax dollars, spreading contamination to more places in the US and abroad, in denial of the potential increased harm from nuclear reactors large and small, more intensely radioactive fuel, less regulatory oversight, export to other countries and foreign control of nuclear sites within our homeland.
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