Senate Bill 53 (SB 53) will help stop the world’s largest nuclear waste dump from being opened in New Mexico. It prevents State agencies from approving permits and requires State consent. States have these rights and responsibilities.
The legislative session ends Saturday March 18th at noon. The bill has passed the Senate and all committees in the House…It needs to be brought up on the HOUSE FLOOR and VOTED ON before the end of this session.
If SB 53 passes the House Floor, Governor Lujan Grisham has indicated that she would sign such a bill into law. It is important to pass this bill THIS SESSION because the proposed dump could get a license this month.
SB 53 text is at this link but status–going to the floor– is not updated: https://www.nmlegis.gov/Legislation/Legislation?Chamber=S&LegType=B&LegNo=53&year=23
Summary of Opposition to Holtec’s Proposed Radioactive Waste Dump in New Mexico
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