The Department of Energy is asking for public comment on the full range of issues it must consider as it pursues creating a new, hotter, more dangerous nuclear industry that would rely on more concentrated uranium fuel. The fuel, called High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU), threatens nuclear weapons proliferation, would produce even more highly concentrated radioactive waste, and could actually be used to make radioactive "dirty” bombs.
Send Comments Now to tell DOE what to evaluate as they legally consider the impacts of this proposed program to create new hotter, even more dangerous fuel for new (nonexistent) nuclear reactors.
We’re at a pivotal point in time—we can pursue a world with clean, renewable energy or we can plunge the world deeper into even worse nuclear power waste and contamination with fuel so intense it could make nuclear weapons material commercially available.
Our country should not be deliberately developing more dangerous, deadly nuclear power fuel verging on nuclear weapons grade.
Tell the Department of Energy (DOE) why they should NOT kickstart a new, more dangerous, more concentrated uranium industry!
DOE is proposing to take on supplying and “commercializing” more dangerous power fuel that we don’t need. We don’t need it because NO reactors are yet fully designed or licensed to use this hotter fuel. (Ideally none of these new reactors should be built!) We don’t need even worse radioactive waste when we have not solved the problem of what to do with the enormous amount we already have.
The hotter fuel is called High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU). HALEU threatens us with nuclear weapons proliferation and would create even more highly radioactive waste than we already have that cannot be isolated.
It wreaks havoc on present and future generations, and it will not help the climate crisis one iota—in fact it is stealing the resources we need to truly combat climate change.
We need 100% renewable, nuclear-free, carbon-free energy to fight climate change, not new nuclear fuel that is even more dangerous than our current standard. DOE should not spend billions of our tax dollars on a new nuclear fuel program that would make radioactive waste harder to handle, store and transport. The HALEU process would also threaten global security, using “civilian” enrichment technology to concentrate Uranium-235 to levels that could enable the development of nuclear weapons.
Commercializing HALEU could unleash a new rush for more countries to develop nuclear weapons. For climate, environmental health, and global security, we must phase out nuclear power, solve the radioactive waste crisis, and say NO to HALEU.
DOE is planning to create a new, worse uranium industry based on High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium HALEU for Civilian Domestic Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Use
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