The Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking public comment on the next 5 years (Phase 2) of the Civil Nuclear Credit (CNC) program and we need your voice! The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act mandated that DOE establish the CNC program to allocate $6 billion in “credits” (subsidies) to uneconomical nuclear reactors whose closures would result in higher greenhouse gas emissions.
To be clear, this is a bad bailout. This multi-billion dollar program should instead be invested in clean, renewable energy, NOT dirty and expensive nuclear reactors. And, if DOE does it’s job right, it will find that NO reactor in the country qualifies to receive these bailouts.
We must ensure:
Under the law, to be eligible to receive credits, nuclear reactors must meet three criteria:
The DOE has never designed or implemented a credit program of this nature, so it’s important that they take into consideration the following before launching a multi-billion dollar nuclear bailout:
On September 30, 2022, DOE released and requested feedback on draft Guidance for the Civil Nuclear Credit Program’s second award cycle. The draft Guidance describes the timelines, deliverables, and supporting information needed from eligible owners or operators of nuclear power reactors that are projected to shut down due to economic circumstances within the next four years to submit certification applications to become certified and instructions on formulating and submitting sealed bids to receive credit allocations.
Request for Public Commit on CNC Second Award Cycle Draft Guidance
Feedback is requested by 5 pm Eastern Time on November 4, 2022, and can be sent to rfi-cnc@nuclear.energy.gov.
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